Distinguish between oxidation and reduction in a given reaction
Calculation of oxidation state (oxidation number)(exercises)
Redox couples
How to balance a redox reaction using partial systems
Complete redox partial equations (exercise)
Balancing a redox reaction using partial systems (exercises)
How to balance a redox reaction without using partial systems
Balancing a redox reaction without using partial systems (exercises)
Table of redox couples
Red phosphorus oxidation by chlorine (video)
Oxidation of aluminum by the iodine (video)
Reduction by aluminum by hydroxide ion (video)
Reduction of water by sodium (video)
Determining oxydation numbers (exercises)
Oxydation numbers: reaction of ammonia on oxygen
Oxydation numbers: reaction of aluminium on bromine (video)
Oxydation numbers: reaction of iron on chlorine (video)
Oxydation numbers: reaction of zinc on sulfur (video)
Thermite: reaction between aluminum and iron(III) oxide
Black powder: reaction and applications
The degradation of ancient pictures: lead salts
Decomposition of ammonium dichromate
Lithium, sodium and potassium: reactions with water
Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine: reactions with aluminum
The voltage series
Reaction between H+ ion of acids and metals
Reaction between silver nitrate and copper (experiment)
Reaction between copper(II) sulfate and iron (experiment)
Reaction between lead nitrate and zinc (experiment)
Reaction between hydrochloric acid and zinc (experiment)
Three polyatomic oxidants : dichromate, permanganate and nitrate
Reaction between dichromate and iron (II) (experiment)
Reaction between permanganate and iron (II) (experiment)
Reaction between permanganate and hydrochloric acid (video)
Titration of iron(II) ion with permanganate (video)
Titration of iodine with thiosulfate (video)
Reaction between nitric acid and copper (experiment)
Oxidation of glycerin by permanganate ion (video)
Oxidation of iodide ion by hydrogen peroxide: a foam jet (video)
Glucose oxidation by permanganate ion
A polyatomic reductant: thiosulfate
Reaction between iodine and thiosulfate (experiment)
Dismutation of thiosulfate in acid medium (experiment)
Dismutation of thiosulfate in acid medium
Dismutation of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of the catalyst MnO2(Video)
Dismutation of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of the catalyst FeCl3