  1. $K_{ps}$
  2. $K_{ps}$
  3. $K_{ps}$
    • $$\color{blue}{\rightarrow}\color{black}\;$$$$K_{ps} =27 \cdot S^4 $$
    • $$\color{blue}{\rightarrow}\color{black}\;$$$$K_{ps} =27\cdot \frac{s^4}{(M_A+3\cdot M_B)^4 } $$
  1. $M_A$
  2. $M_A$
  3. $M_A$
  1. $M_B$
  2. $M_B$
  3. $M_B$
  1. $S$
  2. $S$
  3. $S$
    • $$\color{blue}{\rightarrow}\color{black}\;$$$$S = (\frac{K_{ps}}{27})^{1/4}$$
    • $$\color{blue}{\rightarrow}\color{black}\;$$$$S = \frac{s}{ M_A+3\cdot M_B}$$
  1. $s$
  2. $s$
  3. $s$
    • $$\color{blue}{\rightarrow}\color{black}\;$$$$s = (\frac{K_{ps}}{27})^{1/4}\cdot (M_A+3\cdot M_B)$$
    • $$\color{blue}{\rightarrow}\color{black}\;$$$$s = S\cdot (M_A+3\cdot M_B)$$

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Produit de solubilité et solubilité: Substance ionique AB3

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Numbers in the form 1/2 or 0.5 or 1.5E3 are accepted: