  1. $a$
  2. $a$
  3. $a$
    • $$\color{blue}{\rightarrow}\color{black}\;a \;= \;-\frac{4\cdot d}{(x_1- x_2)^2}$$
  1. $b$
  2. $b$
  3. $b$
    • $$\color{blue}{\rightarrow}\color{black}\;b \;= \;\frac{4\cdot d(x_1+ x_2)}{(x_1- x_2)^2}$$
  1. $c$
  2. $c$
  3. $c$
    • $$\color{blue}{\rightarrow}\color{black}\;c \;= \;-\frac{4\cdot d\cdot x_1\cdot x_2}{(x_1- x_2)^2}$$
  1. $x_1$
  2. $x_1$
  3. $x_1$
  1. $x_2$
  2. $x_2$
  3. $x_2$
  1. $d$
  2. $d$
  3. $d$
  1. équation
  2. équation
  3. équation
    • $$\color{blue}{\rightarrow}\color{black}\;y=-\frac{4\cdot d}{(x_1- x_2)^2}x^2+\frac{4\cdot d(x_1+ x_2)}{(x_1- x_2)^2}x-\frac{4\cdot d\cdot x_1\cdot x_2}{(x_1- x_2)^2}$$
1- Matrix 2 * 2 multiplied by vector

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Numbers in the form 1/2 or 0.5 are accepted:

Matrix A:

Vector v: