  1. σ
  2. σ
  3. σ
    • σ  =  g·h·ρ·r·1000 /(2·cosθ)
  1. θ
  2. θ
  3. θ
    • θ(oC)  =  arccos(g·h·ρ·r·1000 /(2·σ))
  1. ρ
  2. ρ
  3. ρ
    • ρ  =  2·σ·cosθ/(g·h·r·1000 )
  1. r
  2. r
  3. r
    • r  =  2·σ·cosθ/(g·h·ρ·1000 )
  1. h
  2. h
  3. h
    • ρ  =  2·σ·cosθ/(g·ρ·r·1000 )
  1. g
  2. g
  3. g
Capillarity: surface tension, density, height, contact angle, acceleration of gravity

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→   Mass densities
→   Superficial tensions