Amino acids and proteins
ATP and ADP - Adenosinetriphosphate and Adenosinediphosphate
NADH/NAD+ - Nicotinamidedinucleotide
FADH2/FAD - Flavinadeninedinucleotide
CoASH/CoASCOCH3 - Coenzyme A/ Acetylcoenzyme A
Fermentation of glucose: Detail of reactions
Glycolysis: Detail of reactions
Decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetylcoenzyme A
β-oxydation of fatty acids
The citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) : Detail of reactions
The respiratory chain (the electron transport chain)
The photosynthesis
Proteolysis: transformation of proteins to amino acids
Transamination and deamination of amino acids
DNA, RNA and the synthesis of proteins (video)
Structure of DNA
Replication of DNA
Structure of RNA
Transcription from DNA to messenger RNA
mRNA, tRNA and the synthesis of proteins