Nomenclature of enantiomers R or S


Nomenclature of enantiomers: R or S


Let's try to determine if the next substance has the configuration R or S:

What are the chemical functions?

For answers, use (possibly multiple times) the arrows ↑ and ↓ at the top! Complete please this question before moving on to the next one!

Aldehyd and alcohol

What is the scientific name (without configuration R or S)


Is there an asymmetric C atom ?


Four atoms or groups of different atoms are attached to it

Store these atoms in order (according to number Z of the periodic table)

$c(O)\gt d(C) \gt a(C) \gt b(H)$

Explain why $d \gt a$ !

In d: $C (O,O,H)$ In a: $C (O,H,H)$ In 2nd position: $O\gt H$


The least important atom (H) is well behind. What is the order of rotation (Clockwise) R or opposit S) of the three others ?

Name according Cahn, Ingold and Prelog !

R-2,3-dihydroxypropanal or (R)-2,3-dihydroxypropanal