Cyclic hydrocarbon nomenclature
Cyclic hydrocarbons are compounds of carbon and hydrogen where carbon atoms form cyclic chains.
The roots of cycles are preceded by the prefix cyclo ....
If the cycle is the longest chain, it forms the main root of the name, otherwise it is treated as a lateral group.
The nomenclature of (cyclo) alkenes
Cycloalkenes are carbon and hydrogen compounds with double bonds $ C = C $.
The root is followed by the suffix ... en
The double bond(s) impose(s) the numbering direction (and length) of the main chain.
The nomenclature of (cyclo) alkynes
The cycloalkynes are compounds of carbon and hydrogen with triple bonds $ C \equiv C $.
The trunk is followed by the suffix ... yne
The triple bonds) impose(s) the numbering direction (and length) of the main chain.
In this tutorial we limit ourselves to a single cycle and double(s) or triple(s) bond(s) only in the main chain.
Identify root, suffix and side chain !
For answers, use (possibly several times) the arrows ↑ Down! and ↓ Up! Span>
Complete please this question before moving on to the next one!
Root +suffix: buta-1,3-diene
Attention: Main string imposed by the two double bonds!
Side chain: Ethyl